Plascoat thermoplastic coatings
Plascoat is amongst the most versatile and durable thermoplastic coatings available on the market today. With decades of high performance, Plascoat will outlast most, if not all, traditional coating powders in providing long-term protection for metal against demanding environments without damaging the environment. It has a proven track record of unbeatable performance in a wide range of applications.
In addition to its extreme durability and unparalleled adhesion through varying temperature ranges, Plascoat can also be repaired on site. This exciting product is new to Southeast Idaho, but has been used in many applications for more than 30 years around the world with incredible success.
Straight Edge Blastings & coatings located in St. Anthony, Idaho specializing in powder coating & plascoating. Serving all of Southeast Idaho.
Straight Edge Blastings & coatings located in St. Anthony, Idaho specializing in powder coating & plascoating. Serving all of Southeast Idaho.